Disconnected plant networkThe following example was originally studied in the PhD Dissertation of Fu Lin. The plant graph contains randomly distributed nodes in a region of units. Two nodes are neighbors if their Euclidean distance is not greater than units. We examine the problem of adding edges to a plant graph which is not connected and solve the sparsity-promoting optimal control problem (P) using graphsp_IP_w.m for controller graph with potential edges. This is done for logarithmically-spaced values of using the path-following iterative reweighted algorithm that employs the weighted norm as a proxy for inducing sparsity Following Candes, Wakin, and Boyd ’08, we set the weights to be inversely proportional to the magnitude of the solution to (SP) at the previous value of , where is introduced to ensure that the weights are well-defined when . For , we initialize weights using the optimal centralized vector of the edge weights . Topology identification is followed by the polishing step that computes the optimal vector of the controller edge weights. The optimal centralized vector of the edge weights contains both negative and positive elements.
The number of nonzero elements in the vector of the controller edge weights decreases and the closed-loop performance deteriorates as increases. In particular, we show the optimal tradeoff curve between the performance loss (relative to the optimal centralized controller) and the sparsity of the vector .
Topologies of the plant (blue lines) and controller graphs (red lines) for four values of . As expected, larger values of yield sparser controller graphs. Since the plant graph has three disconnected subgraphs, at least two edges in the controller are needed to make the closed-loop network connected. For , only four edges are added. Relative to the optimal centralized vector of the controller edge weights , the identified sparse controller in this case uses only of the edges, i.e., and achieves a performance loss of , Here, is the solution to (P) with and the pattern of non-zero elements of is obtained by solving (P) with via the path-following iterative reweighted algorithm. |