Wide Area Control of IEEE 39 New England Power Grid Model
Problem description
The IEEE New England Power Grid Model consists of buses and
generators. Generator is an equivalent aggregated model for
the part of the network that we do not have control over; generators
to are equipped with Power System Stabilizers (PSSs), which provide
good damping of local modes and stabilize otherwise unstable open-loop
system. We use a sparsity-promoting optimal control strategy to design a
supplementary wide area control signal aimed at achieving a desirable
trade-off between damping of the inter-area oscillations and
communication requirements in the distributed controller. Inter-area
oscillations are associated with the dynamics of power transfers and
they are characterized by groups of coherent machines that swing
relative to each other. These oscillations are caused by weakly damped
modes of the linearized swing equations and they physically correspond
to active power transfer between different generator groups.
In the absence of higher-order generator dynamics, for purely inductive
lines and constant-current loads, the dynamics of each generator can be
represented by the electromechanical swing equations
where denotes the number of generators, is the generator power
injection in the network-reduced model, and is the Kron-reduced
admittance matrix describing the interactions among generators. After
linearization at an operating point the swing equations reduce to
where and are diagonal matrices of inertia and damping
coefficients, and the coupling among generators is entirely described
by the weighted graph induced by the Laplacian matrix .
Let the state of the power network be partitioned as where
and are the rotor angles and frequencies of
synchronous generators and are the state variables which
correspond to fast electrical dynamics.
The sparsity-promoting minimum-variance optimal control problem can then
be formulated as:
where we use the weighted norm to induce sparsity in the state
feedback gain matrix .
Computational results
We next present computations resulting from the use of the
sparsity-promoting framework with logarithmically-spaced points for
. In the objective function we
choose , , and set
in order to penalize deviation from synchrony. This choice of
is inspired by slow coherency theory with
denoting a small regularization parameter and denoting the
vector of all ones.
Performance vs Sparsity
Relative to the optimal centralized controller, performance of the
optimal sparse controller deteriorates gracefully with increased
emphasis on sparsity.
For , the optimal centralized feedback gain is
a dense matrix populated with nonzero elements.
Increased emphasis on sparsity induces feedback gains with smaller
number of nonzero elements.
Signal exchange network
The sparsity pattern of the optimal feedback gain illustrates
interactions between different generators. In the figures below, nine
rows correspond to nine control inputs to controlled generators; the
columns correspond to different states variables. Blue dots in each
block represent local interactions within each generator, and red dots
represent interactions between different generators.
Identified long range interactions are represented by red dots.
The optimal sparse controller promotes the use of angles and frequencies
(i.e., the first and second states of each subsystem) as signals to be
Dominant inter-area modes
The polar plots show the generator frequency components of one of the
poorly damped inter-area modes in the open-loop system (i.e., the system
controlled with only local PSSs).
This inter-area mode is characterized by active power transfer between
generator and the rest of the grid.
The least damped inter-area mode of the closed-loop system (i.e., the
system controlled with both local PSSs and the optimal sparse wide-area
controller obtained for ).
Relative to the open-loop system, the closed-loop system is
characterized by much smaller active power transfer between generator
and the rest of the grid.
Sparsity-promoting optimal wide-area control of power networks
F. Dorfler, M. R. Jovanovic, M. Chertkov, and F. Bullo
IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 2281-2291, 2014.
Sparse and optimal wide-area damping control in power networks
F. Dorfler, M. R. Jovanovic, M. Chertkov, and F. Bullo
2013 American Control Conference, pp. 4295-4300, Washington DC, June 2013.
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author = {F. D\"orfler and M. R. Jovanovi\'c and M. Chertkov and F. Bullo},
title = {Sparsity-promoting optimal wide-area control of power networks},
journal = {IEEE Trans. Power Syst.},
volume = {29},
number = {5},
pages = {2281-2291},
year = {2014}
author = {F. D\"orfler and M. R. Jovanovi\'c and M. Chertkov and F. Bullo},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2013 American Control Conference},
title = {Sparse and optimal wide-area damping control in power networks},
year = {2013},
address = {Washington, DC},
pages = {4295-4300}
author = {F. Lin and M. Fardad and M. R. Jovanovi\'c},
title = {Design of optimal sparse feedback gains via the alternating direction method of multipliers},
journal = {IEEE Trans. Automat. Control},
volume = {58},
number = {9},
pages = {2426-2431},
year = {2013}