The prospective Author should be familiar with the
General Information for Authors.
All manuscripts must be submitted electronically. The Author should prepare a single file in pdf
format that includes the complete contribution, including:
- Names and brief addresses of all Authors
- Title of the paper
- Abstract of the paper
- The complete manuscript, including references (in standard
IEEE format),
tables, and figures
The "30% rule" for TCAD
The guideline for a contribution to TCAD is that it should have about
30% significant new material over and above any material published
elsewhere. The word "significant" alludes to a technical contribution
rather than, say, an expanded literature review, and the ~30% figure
above is a guideline rather than a concrete figure, given the
subjective nature of such an evaluation. As part of the new submission
process, authors are asked to clearly demarcate differences between
their submitted manuscript and any versions that have been previously
published or are under review.
Style for Submitted Manuscripts
- All manuscripts must be formatted using the IEEE two-column format. Style templates can be found
- TCAD enforces the following page limits on all submitted manuscripts, formatted using the style files described above:
- Regular Papers: 14 pages (including bios and photos to be added in the final submission).
- Short Papers: 5 pages.
- Submitted papers that are not compliant with either the style format or the allowed page lengths
will be returned to the authors.
- The manuscript should include an informative 100- to 250-word abstract, at the head of the manuscript,
which will appear with the paper. Index terms and four to eight keywords describing the manuscript are also required.
- References, in IEEE style,
should appear in a separate bibliography at the end of the paper, with items referred to by numerals
in square brackets, e.g., [12].
- Detailed instructions for preparation of the final manuscript will be provided upon acceptance of the
paper for publication. Details can also be found here.
Note on word processing. It is advisable to use standard fonts to make the file printable on different printers.
Do not format the paper for double-sided printers. Preferred word processing systems are LaTeX and Microsoft Word.
To submit a paper through the TCAD website, please click here.