Book Chapters:
- S. Makki and J. R. Leger,
"Solid-state Laser Resonators with Diffractive Optic Thermal
Aberration Correction", a chapter in the book Advances
in Laser Resonator Design,
Alexis Kudryashov, ed., SPIE Press
- J.R. Leger, "Diffractive Resonator Optics,"
a chapter in the book Diffractive
Optics for Industrial and Commercial Applications, F. Wyrowski and J. Turunen,
eds., Academie-Verlag (1997) (27 pages).
- J. R. Leger, "Laser Beam Shaping," a
chapter in the book Microoptics,
H. P. Herzig, ed., Taylor and Francis, London
(1996) (35 pages).
- J. R. Leger, "Micro-optical Components Applied
to Incoherent and Coherent Laser Arrays," Chapter 3 in the book Diode Laser Arrays, D. Botez and D. Scifres, ed.,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
(1994) (57 pages).
- J. R. Leger, "External Methods of Phase Locking
and Coherent Beam Addition," Chapter 8 of the book Surface Emitting Diode Lasers and
Arrays, G. Evans and J. Hammer, ed., Academic Press, New
York (1993) (55 pages).
- J. R. Leger and S. H. Lee, "Signal Processing
Using Hybrid Systems," Chapter 4 of the book Applications of Optical Fourier Transforms, H. Stark, ed.,
Academic Press, New York (1982). (78 pages)
Selected Journal Publications:
- Eric. A. Shields, Fred Williamson, and
James R. Leger, “Electron-Beam Lithography for Thick Refractive Optical
Elements in SU-8,” accepted for publication in J. Am. Vacuum Soc.
- Qiwen Zhan and James R. Leger, “A Solid Immersion Ellipsometer,” accepted for publication in Optics
Letters (2003).
- Qiwen Zhan and James R. Leger, “Focus Shaping Using
Cylindrical Vector Beams,” Optics Express 10, 324-331 (2002).
- Qiwen Zhan and James R. Leger, “Measurement of Surface
Features Beyond the Diffraction Limit Using an Imaging Ellipsometer,”
Optics Letters. 27, 821-823 (2002).
- Qiwen Zhan and James R. Leger, “High Resolution
Imaging Ellipsometer,” Applied Optics 41,
4443-4450 (2002).
- Qiwen Zhan and James R. Leger, “Microellipsometer
with Radial Symmetry,” Applied Optics 41, 4630-4637 (2002).
- Qiwen Zhan and James R. Leger, “Interferometric
measurement of the geometric phase in space-variant polarization
manipulations,” Optics Communications.
213, 241-245
- Siamak Makki and James
Leger, “Mode Shaping of a Graded-Reflectivity-Mirror Unstable Resonator
with an Intra-Cavity Phase Element,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 37, 80-86 (2001).
- Todd
A. Ballen, James R. Leger, Daniel E. Glumac, Lori S. Swanson, Edward Gage, “Use of
Mass-Transport to Reduce Surface Roughness In Replicated Galllium-Phosphide Refractive Microlenses,”
Opt. Lett.
25, 515-517 (2000).
- Todd
A. Ballen and James R. Leger, “Mass-transported
off-axis refractive GaP microlenses
for use in a distortionless optical interconnect
system,” Appl. Opt. 39, 6028-6033 (2000).
- S. Makki and J. R. Leger, "Solid-state Laser
Resonators with Diffractive Optic Thermal Aberration Correction," IEEE J. Quantum Electron.. 35,
1075-1085 (1999).
- Anatolii Napartovich, Nikolay N. Elkin, Vera N. Troschieva,
Dmitry V. Vysotsky,
and James R. Leger, "Simplified Intracavity
Phase Plates for Increasing Modal Discrimination in a Laser Cavity," Appl. Opt. 38, 3025-3029
- G.Q.
Chen, J.R. Leger, and A. Gopinath, "Angular
Filtering of Spatial Modes in a Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser by
a Fabry-Perot Etalon Appl. Phys. Lett. 74, 1069-1071 (1999).
- T. Ballen and J. Leger, "Mass-Transport Fabrication
of Off-Axis and Prismatic Gallium-Phosphide
Optics," Appl. Opt. 38, 2979-2985 (1999).
- F. Nikolajeff, T. Ballen, and
J. Leger, A. Gopinath, "Spatial Mode Control of Vertical-Cavity
Lasers Using Micromirrors Fabricated and
Replicated in Semiconductor
Materials," Appl. Opt.
38, 3030-3038 (1999).
- J.R.
Leger, J.
Schuler, N. Morphis, and
R. Knowlden, "Optical Anti-Aliasing Filters
Based on Complementary Golay Codes," App. Opt. 36, 4692-4701 (1997).
- Xiaomei Wang, James R. Leger, and Robert H. Rediker, "Rapid Fabrication of Diffractive
Optical Elements Using Image-Based Excimer Laser
Ablation," App. Opt. 36,
4660-4665 (1997).
- S. Makki, Z. Wang, and J. Leger, "Laser Beam Relaying
with Phase-Conjugate Diffractive Optical Elements App. Opt. 36, 4749-4755 (1997).
- B.J.
Koch, J.R. Leger, A. Gopinath, Z. Wang, and R.
Morgan, "Single-Mode Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser by
Graded-Index Lens Spatial Filtering," Appl. Phys. Lett. 70,
2359-2361 (1997).
- J. R. Leger, D. Chen, G. Mowry,
"Design and Performance of Diffractive Optics for Custom Laser
Resonators," Appl. Opt. 34, 2498-2509 (1995).
- D.
Chen, Z. Wang, and J. R. Leger, "Measurements of the Modal Properties
of a Diffractive Optic Graded Phase Resonator," Opt. Lett. 20, 663-665 (1995).
- G. Mowry and J. R. Leger,
"Large-Area, Single-Transverse-Mode Semiconductor Laser with
Diffraction-Limited Super-Gaussian Output," Appl. Phys. Lett. 66, 1614-1616, 27 March (1995).
- J. R. Leger, G. Mowry, and
X. Li, "Modal Properties of an External Diode-Laser-Array Cavity with
Mode-Selecting Mirrors," Appl. Opt.:
Lasers, Photonics, and Environmental Optics 34, 4302-4311 (1995).
- J. R. Leger, G. Mowry, and
D. Chen, "Modal Analysis of a Talbot Cavity," Appl. Phys. Lett.,
64, 2937-2939 (1994).
- J. R. Leger, D. Chen, and Z. Wang, "Diffractive
Optical Element for Mode Shaping of a Nd: YAG Laser," Opt. Lett. 19, 108-110 (1994).
- J. R. Leger, D. Chen, K. Dai, "High Modal
Discrimination in a Nd:YAG
Laser Resonator Using Internal Phase Gratings," Opt. Lett. 19, 1976-1978 (1994).
- J. R.
Leger, D. Chen, G. Mowry, and Z. Wang,
"Diffractive Optic Laser Resonator," Optics and Photonics News 5, 19-20, (1994).
- J. R. Leger and G. Mowry,
"External Diode-Laser-Array Cavity with Mode Selecting Mirror," Appl. Phys. Lett.
63, 2884-2886 (1993).
- J. R. Leger and W. C. Goltsos,
"Geometric Transformation of Linear Diode-Laser Arrays for
Longitudinal Pumping of Solid-State Lasers", IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 28,
1088-1100 (1992).
- J. R. Leger and M. P. Griswold, "Binary-optics
Miniature Talbot Cavities for Laser Beam Addition," Appl. Phys. Lett.
56, 4-6 (1990).
- J. R. Leger, G. J. Swanson, "Efficient Array
Illuminator Using Binary Optics Phase Plates at Fractional Talbot
Planes," Opt. Lett. 15,
288-290 (1990).
- J. R. Leger, "Lateral Mode Control of an AlGaAs Laser Array in a Talbot Cavity," Appl. Phys. Lett.
55, 334-336 (1989).
- J. R. Leger, M.L. Scott and W.B. Veldkamp,
"Coherent addition of AlGaAs lasers using microlenses and diffractive coupling," Appl. Phys. Lett. 52, 1771-1773
- J. R. Leger, M. Holz, G. J.
Swanson, and W. B. Veldkamp, "Coherent
Laser Beam Addition: An Application of Binary-optics Technology," Lincoln Lab. J. 1, 167-188 (1988).
- G. J. Swanson, J. R. Leger, and M. Holz, "Aperture Filling of Phase-Locked Laser
Arrays," Opt. Lett. 12,
245-247 (1987).
- J. R. Leger, G. J. Swanson, and M. Holz, "Efficient Side-lobe Suppression of Laser
Diode Arrays," Appl. Phys. Lett.
50, 1044-1046 (1987).
- J.R. Leger, G.J. Swanson, and W. B. Veldkamp, "Coherent laser addition using binary
phase gratings," Appl. Optics 26, 4391-4399 (1987).
- J. R. Leger, G. J. Swanson, and W. B. Veldkamp, "Coherent Beam Addition of GaAlAs Lasers by Binary Gratings," Appl. Phys. Lett.
48, 888-890 (1986).
- W. B. Veldkamp, J. R.
Leger, and G. J. Swanson, "Coherent Summation of Laser Beams Using
Binary Gratings," Opt. Lett. 11,
303-305 (1986).
- Joseph L. Horner and James R. Leger, "Pattern
recognition with binary phase-only filters," Appl. Opt. 24, 609-611
- J. R. Leger and M. A. Snyder, "Real-time Depth
Measurement and Display Using Fresnel
Diffraction and White-light Processing," Appl. Opt. 23, 1655-1670 (1984).
- Z. H. Gu,
J. R. Leger, and S. H. Lee, "Optical Implementation of the Least
Squares Linear Mapping Techniques for Image Classification," JOSA 72, 787-793 (1982).
- J. R. Leger and S. H. Lee, "Hybrid Optical
Processor for Pattern Recognition and Classification Using a Generalized
Set of Pattern Functions," Appl. Opt. 21, 274-287 (1982).
- J. R. Leger and S. H. Lee, "Image Classification
by an Optical Implementation of the Fukunaga-Koontz
Transform," JOSA 72, 556-564 (1982).
- Z. H. Gu, J. R. Leger, and
S. H. Lee, "Optical Computation of Cosine Transforms," Opt. Comm. 39, 137-142 (1981).
- J. Duvernoy and J. Leger,
"Karhunen-Loéve Analysis of Multispectral Data from Landscapes," Optics Comm. 32, 39-44 (1980).
- J. R. Leger and S. H. Lee, "Coherent Optical
Implementation of Generalized Two-dimensional Transforms," Opt. Eng.
5, 518-523 (1979).
Selected Invited Conference Presentations:
- J.R. Leger , “Diffractive Optical Elements in Unstable
Resonators,” Optics Design &
Fabrication 2000 Conference, November
15-17, 2000, Tokyo, Japan
- J.R.
Leger, "New Trends in Laser Resonator Design," Photonics West 1999, San
Jose, Calif. (1999).
- J.R.
Leger, tutorial on "Diffractive Optics for Laser Applications," Conf. Lasers and Electrooptics
(CLEO), Baltimore, MD
- J. R.
Leger and S. Makki,
"Diffractive Optics in Solid-State Lasers," European Optical Society Topical Meeting on Diffractive Optics,
Jena, Germany
- J.R.
Leger, S. Makki, G.Q.
Chen, B. Koch, and A. Gopinath, "Microoptics in VCSEL and Solid-State Laser
Resonators," Photonics West
1998, San Jose, Calif.
- J.R.
Leger and S. Makki,
"Laser Resonators Containing Diffractive and Microoptic
Components," Conf. on Lasers
and Electrooptics (CLEO:Europe), Glasgow,
Scotland (1998).
- J.R.
Leger and S. Makki, "Controlling
and Utilizing Aberrations in Solid-State Lasers," International Conference on Optics and
Optoelectronics (ICOL), Dehra Dun, India
- J.
Leger, "Coherence and Mode Control in Laser Systems," Fourth SIAM Conference on Applications of
Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, UT (May 1997).
- J. R.
Leger, "Applications of Diffractive Optics to Diode Laser Arrays and Amplifiers,"SPIE Photonics West '95 Technical Digest,
San Jose (1995).
- J. R.
Leger, "Novel Laser Beam Shaping and Mode Control with Diffractive
Optical Elements,” proceedings of Laser '95 Conference, Munich,
Germany (1995).
- J. R.
Leger, "Modal Properties of Laser Arrays Using Diffractive
Mode-Selecting Mirrors," Lasers
and Nonlinear Optics Technical Digest, St.
Petersburg, Russia
- J. R.
Leger, "Advances in Diffractive Optic Laser Resonators," Optical
Engineering Midwest '95, Chicago, Ill.
Proc. SPIE (1995).
- J. R.
Leger, "Diffractive Resonators for Solid-State Lasers", IEEE Lasers and Electrooptic
Society Meeting Technical Digest, San Francisco (1995).
- J. R. Leger, D. Chen, and Z. Wang, "Customized
Laser Modes Using a Phase Grating and Mode Selecting Mirror," Conf. Lasers and Electroopt.
(CLEO), Anaheim, CA,
411-412 (1994).
- J. R.
Leger, "Design and Applications of Diffractive Optics in Laser
Systems," Tech. Digest of Opt.
Soc. of Am. Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX,
135 (1994).
- J. R.
Leger, G. Mowry, D. Chen, "Laser Mode
Shaping with Diffractive Optical Elements," LASER '94, Quebec, Canada
- J. R. Leger, "Applications of Diffractive Optics
to Semiconductor Laser Arrays," Optical Design for Photonics Topical
Meeting, Palm Springs, CA,
2-5 (1993).
- J. R. Leger, "Customizing Laser Cavities with
Diffractive Optical Elements," Tech. Digest of Opt. Soc. of Am. Annual Meeting, Toronto,
140 (1993).
- J. R. Leger, "Miniature External Cavities for
Coherent Beam Combining," Tech. Digest of Opt. Soc. Am. Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 14-15 (November
- J. R. Leger and M. Holz,
"Binary Optical Elements for Coherent Addition of Laser Diodes,"
Conference Proceedings of LEOS/OSA
Meeting, Santa Clara, CA,
468-471 (October 1988).
- J. R. Leger, "Combining Laser Beams with
Holography," Gordon Conference, Santa Barbara
(January 1987).
- J. R. Leger, G. J. Swanson, and M. Holz, "Coherent Beam Combining of One- and
Two-dimensional Laser Arrays," Tech. Digest, Southwest Optics Conf., Albuquerque, NM, 80-83 (February
- J. R. Leger, G. J. Swanson, and M. Holz, "Side-lobe Suppression Techniques for Laser
Diode Arrays," Tech. Digest of Optical Society of America Annual
Meeting, Seattle, WA,
10 (October 1986).
Selected Contributed Conference Presentations:
- Zhaohui Yang and James
Leger, “Three-Mirror Resonator with Aspheric Feedback Mirror for Laser
Mode Selection and Mode Shaping,” Conf.
Lasers and Electrooptics (CLEO), Baltimore, CA
- Eric A. Shields, Wei Liu,
Joseph J. Talghader, James R. Leger,” A
space-variant, variable-dispersion micro-spectrometer incorporating a MEMS
mirror array,” to be presented at SPIE
Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA (2003).
- Q. Zhan and J. R. Leger, “Measuring Unresolved
Surface Features Using Imaging Ellipsometric
Polarization Signatures,” Diffractive
Optics and Microoptics Topical Meeting, Tucson,
AZ (2002).
- Q. Zhan and J. R. Leger, “Design and Implementation
of a Rotationally Symmetric Microellipsometer,” SPIE Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA (2002).
- Q. Zhan and J. R. Leger, “Solid-Immersion Tunneling Nano-Ellipsometer,” 7th International Conference on Near-Field
Optics and Related Techniques, Rochester, NY (2002).
- Todd A. Ballen and James R.
Leger, “Mass-transported off-axis refractive GaP
microlenses for use in a distortionless
optical interconnect system,” Diffractive
Optics and Microoptics Topical Meeting, Quebec
City, Canada,
pp. 275-277 (2000).
- Barry Koch, Xiaobo Zhang,
Dan Olson, James Leger, and Anand Gopinath, “Single-mode vertical-cavity surface emitting
laser,” Conf. Lasers and Electrooptics (CLEO), San Francisco, CA (2000).
- Q. Zhan and J. R. Leger, “Micro-spot ellipsometer with radial symmetry,” Optical Society of America Annual
Meeting, Providence, RI
- S. Makki and J.R. Leger,
"Flat output beam profile from an unstable resonator with a VRM of
arbitrary central reflectivity," OSA
Advanced Solid-State Lasers Topical Meeting, Boston,
Massachusetts (1999), pp. 112-114.
- F. Nikolajeff, J.R. Leger, and T. Ballen,
"Micro-optical elements fabricated and replicated in semiconductor
materials," SPIE Photonics West
'99 Technical Digest, San Jose
- F. Nikolajeff and J. Leger,
"Spatial mode control of VCSELs using micromirrors fabricated and replicted
in semiconductor materials,” Conf.
Lasers and Electrooptics (CLEO), Baltimore, MD
(1999), p. 485.
- S. Makki and J.R. Leger, “A
diffractive optic unstable resonator for low-gain lasers,” Lasers and Electrooptics
Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco,
CA (1999), pp. 858-859.
- S. Makki
and J.R. Leger, "Side-pumped Nd:YVO4
Laser with Thermal Aberration Correction using a Diffractive Optical
Element", Conf. Lasers and Electrooptics (CLEO), San Francisco,
CA (1998).
- T. Ballen and J. Leger,
"Mass-transport gallium-phosphide
refractive micro-lenses for diode array reconfiguration," Diffractive Optics and Microoptics Topical Meeting, Kona, Hawaii
- J. Leger, G.Q. Chen, and A. Gopinath "Spatial mode discrimination
in a vertical cavity surface emitting laser by a Fabry-Perot
Etalon", Conf. on Lasers and Electrooptics (CLEO:Europe), Glasgow,
Scotland (1998).
- J. Leger and S. Makki,
"Virtual Apertures in Laser Resonators Using Coded Phase
Plates", Optical Society of America Annual Meeting, Baltimore,
MD (1998).
- B.J. Koch, J.R. Leger, A. Gopinath,
Z. Wang, and R. Morgan, "Single-Mode Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting
Laser by Graded-Index Lens Spatial Filtering," Conf.
Lasers and Electrooptics (CLEO), Baltimore,
MD (1997).
- J.R. Leger, "Design Considerations For High
f/number Diffractive Optics", Optical
Society of America Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA (1997).
- Siamak Makki
and James Leger, "Laser
Relaying with Phase-Conjugate Diffractive Optical Elements," in Diffractive
Optics and Micro-Optics, vol.
5, OSA Technical Digest Series (Optical Society of America, Washington,
DC, 1996), 282-285.
- Xiaomei Wang, James R.
Leger and Robert H. Rediker, "Rapid
Fabrication of Diffractive Micro-Lenses Using Excimer
Laser Ablation," in Diffractive
Optics and Micro-Optics, vol.
5, OSA Technical Digest Series (Optical Society of America, Washington,
DC, 1996), 310-313.
- J. Leger, J. Schuler, N. Morphis, and R. Knowlden,
"Binary Optics Antialiasing Filter Based On
Complementary Golay Codes,
" Tech. Digest of Opt. Soc. Am. Annual Meeting, Portland,
OR (1995).
- G. Mowry and J. R. Leger,
"Large-Area Single Transverse Mode Semiconductor Laser with Near
Diffraction-Limited Super-Gaussian Output," Conf. Lasers and Electroopt. (CLEO),
2-3, Anaheim, CA,
2-3 (1994).
- D. Chen and J. Leger, "Use of Diffractive Phase
Plates for High Modal Discrimination in Short Laser Resonators,"
Tech. Digest of OSA Topical Meeting
on Diffractive Optics, Rochester, NY,
278-281 (1994).
- G. Mowry and J. R. Leger,
"Optimization of Dual Diffractive Optical Elements in an External
Laser-Diode-Array Cavity," Tech. Digest of Opt. Soc. Am. Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, 135 (1994).
- J. R. Leger and G. S. Mowry,
"External Diode-Laser-Array Cavity with Mode-Selecting Mirrors,"
Conf. Lasers and Electroopt.
(CLEO), Baltimore, MD,
402-403 (1993).
- J. R. Leger, D. Chen, and Z. Wang, "Mode Shaping
of a Nd: YAG Laser with
Diffractive Mirrors," IEEE LEOS
Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA,
681-682 (1993).
- T. H. Rider and J. R. Leger, "Mutual coherence
degradation of coupled diode lasers due to pathlength
differences in an external cavity," SPIE OE/LASE'92, Los Angeles, CA,
492 (1992).
- J. R. Leger, W. C. Goltsos,
W. F. Delaney, and M. P. Griswold, "Design of Diffractive Optics for
Concentration of Light from Diode Laser Arrays", Optical Society of
America Topical Meeting on Diffractive Optics, New Orleans, 55-57 (1992).
- J. R. Leger and Xu Li,
"Modal Properties of An External
Diode-Laser-Array Cavity with Phase Conjugate Optics," 8th
Interdisciplinary Laser Science Conf., Albuquerque,
NM (1992), Bulletin of the American Physical Society 37, 1212 (1992).
- W. Goltsos and J. R. Leger,
"One-to two-dimensional optical transformation of a 5-W diode-laser
bar for end-pumping solid-state lasers using binary optics," Conf. Lasers and Electroopt.
(CLEO), Baltimore, MD,
492 (1991).
- J. R. Leger and M. Griswold, "Ultra-short (200
Micron) External Cavity with Binary-optic Phase Plate for Phase-Locking of
an AlGaAs Laser Array," Conf. Lasers and Electroopt.
(CLEO), Anaheim, CA,
552 (1990).
- J. R. Leger, M. Griswold, and P. Bundman,
"Coherent Operation of AlGaAs Laser Array
with High Strehl Ratio Using Coupled Microcavities and Binary Optical Elements," Conf. Lasers and Electroopt.
(CLEO), Baltimore, MD,
420 (1989).
- J. R. Leger, M.L. Scott, P. Bundman,
and M.P. Griswold, "Astigmatic Wavefront Correction
of a Gain-Guided Llaser Diode Array Using Diffractive
Microlenses," SPIE Tech. Digest, vol. 884, 82-89 (1988).
- J. R. Leger, M. L. Scott, and W. B. Veldkamp, "Diffraction-Limited Far Field Pattern
from an Uncoupled AlGaAs Laser Array Using High
Efficiency Diffractive Microlenses," Tech.
Digest, Conf. Lasers and Electroopt. (CLEO), Anaheim,
CA, 190 (1988).
- M. Holz, J. Leger, and G.
Swanson, "Lossless Side-lobe Suppression for a Phase-locked CO2
Waveguide Array," Tech. Digest, Conf.
Lasers and Electroopt. (CLEO), Baltimore,
MD, 356 (1987).
- J. R. Leger, G. J. Swanson, and M. Holz, "High Power IR Laser Sources Produced by
Laser Beam Addition," Tech. Digest, National IRIS Conf., Laurel.
MD, (1987).
- J. R. Leger, G. J. Swanson, and W. B. Veldkamp, "Coherent Laser Beam Addition with
Holographic Binary Phase Gratings," Tech. Digest, Topical Meeting on Holography, Honolulu,
Hawaii, 107-110 (1986).
- G. J. Swanson, J. R. Leger, and W. B. Veldkamp, "Tandem Binary Structures for Increased
Coupling Efficiency of Laser Beams," Tech.Digest,
Topical Meeting on Holography,
Honolulu, Hawaii, 111-114(1986).
- J. R. Leger, G. J. Swanson, and W. B. Veldkamp, "Coherent Summation of Laser Beams from
a GaAlAs Array Using Binary Phase
Holograms," Tech. Digest, Conf.
Lasers. and Electroopt.
(CLEO), San Francisco, CA, 78-79 (1986).
- J. R. Leger and S. H. Lee, "Optical Pattern
Recognition and Classification Invariant to Selectable Pattern
Features," Proc. SPIE 201, 120 (1979).
- J. R. Leger and M. A. Snyder, "All-optical
Method for Pseudocolor Display of Depth," JOSA 73, 1931 (1983).J. R. Leger and S. H. Lee, "Coherent
Optical Implementation of Generalized Two-dimensional Transforms," Proc. SPIE 154, 210-218
Patents (Issued):
- Q. Zhan and J. Leger "Ellipsometer using radial symmetry," US patent
(US Serial Number 09/691,346), June 2003.
- J. R. Leger, " Phase
Grating and Mode-Selecting Mirror for a Laser," US Patent #5,745,511, April 28, 1998.
- J.R. Leger "Phase-conjugating
diffractive element and method,"
US Patent # 5,592,505, January 7, 1997.
- J. R. Leger, "Distortion-Compensation Phase
Grating and Mode-Selecting Mirror for a Laser," US Patent #5,627,847, May 6, 1997.
- J. R. Leger and W. C. Goltsos,
"Method and Apparatus for Efficient Concentration of Light from Laser
Diode Arrays," US patent #5,568,318, 22 October 1996.
- J. R.
Leger, "Phase Grating and Mode-Selecting Mirror for a Laser", US Patent #5,454,004, 26 Sept. 1995.
- J. R. Leger and W. C. Goltsos,
"Method and Apparatus for Efficient Concentration of Light from Laser
Diode Arrays," US patent #5,333,077, 26 July 1994.
- T.Y. Fan, A. Sanchez-Rubio, J.N. Walpole, R.C.
Williamson, I. Melngailis, J.R. Leger and W.C. Goltsos, "Multiple-Laser Pump Optical
System," US Patent #5,185,758,
9 February 1993.
- T.Y. Fan, A. Sanchez-Rubio, J.N. Walpole, R.C.
Williamson, I. Melngailis, J.R. Leger and W.C. Goltsos, "Multiple-Laser Pump Optical
System," US Patent #5,081,637,
14 January 1992.
- J. R. Leger and G. J. Swanson, "An Array
Illuminator Using a Binary Optics Phase Plate," US Patent #5, 124, 843, 23
June 1992.
- J.R. Leger and G.J. Swanson, "Miniature Talbot
Cavity for Lateral Mode Control of a Laser Array", US Patent #
5,027,359, 25 June 1991.
- J. R. Leger and G. J. Swanson, "An
Optical Device for Laser Coupling and Coherent Beam Combining," US
Patent #5,033,060, 16 July 1991.
- G. J. Swanson, J. R. Leger, and M. Holz, "Coherent Aperture Filling of an Array of
Lasers," US patent # 4,933,649, 12 June 1990.
- J. R. Leger, W. B. Veldkamp,
and M. L. Scott, "Coherent Beam Combining of Lasers Using Microlenses and Diffractive Coupling," US patent
# 4,813,762, 21 March 1989.
- J. L. Horner and J. R. Leger, "Simplified
Version of Phase-only Correlation Filter," US patent # 4,765,
714, 23 August, 1988.
- W. B. Veldkamp, J. R.
Leger, and G. J. Swanson, "Apparatus and Method for Coherently Adding
Laser Beams," US patent # 4,649,351, 10 March 1987.
Patents (Pending):
- Q. Zhan and J. Leger, “Solid Immersion Tunneling Ellipsometry and its Duality for Ultra-Thin Film
Characterization,” provisional US
patent filed (March 2002).
- Q. Zhan and J. Leger, “Generation and Manipulation of
Cylindrical Beams and Its Application to High Resolution Solid Immersion
Surface Plasmon Microscopy and a High Efficiency
Photonic Transistor,” provisional US
patent filed (March 2002).
- Q. Zhan and J. Leger, “Focus Tailoring Using
Cylindrical Vector Beams and its Applications to Flattop Focusing and a
Versatile Optical Tweezers,” provisional US patent filed (March 2002).
- Q. Zhan and J. Leger, "Imaging Ellipsometry," patent filed with the US
patent office (US Serial Number 09/691,006), 18 October, 2000.