Heiko O. Jacobs
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Intranet | News, Publications, Patents Heiko O. Jacobs
| Heterogeneous Integration Laboratory (HIL) Enabling ~ Integration-Across-Length-Scales-&-Material-Boundaries Through ~ Printing-Transfer-&-Engineered-Self-Assembly Incorporating ~ Nanoparticle/wires-Microscopic-Dies & Chiplets

| News Reports:- June 5, 2014, Science Magazine, Editors' Choice,
"Faster ways to flexible electronics" highlights Advanced Materials communication on the Realization of Rubber-like Lighting Module using Roll-to-Roll Self-Assembly.
- July 16, 2014, The German Welt der Physik,
Spotlights research at the Technische Universität Ilmenau and University of Minnesota in an Article "Lichtpaneele fertigen sich wie von selbst".
- July 10, 2014, Nanowerk,
Spotlights research at the Technische Universität Ilmenau and University of Minnesota in an Article "Self-assembly machine - a vision for the future of manufacturing".
- July 4, 2014, The German Physics Portal and the Magazine Optik & Photonik,
Highlights research at the Technische Universität Ilmenau and University of Minnesota in an Article "Makroelektronik: Schneller produzieren ohne Roboter".
- July 4, 2014, Advanced Materials Cover,
A recent publication of the research team has been selected by the editors of Advanced Materials to be featured on the inside Cover.
- May 25, 2011, Nature Materials,
"Mosaic Masters" highlights R. Knuesel and H.O. Jacobs' Advanced Materials communication on Self-Tiling.
- June 24, 2011, Advanced Materials Cover,
Self-Tiling Monocrystalline Silicon; a Process to Produce Electrically Connected Domains of Si and Microconcentrator Solar Cell Modules on Plastic Supports.
- January 14, 2010, Science Magazine,
"Shrinkage," featuring UMN research on printable electronics in their January science shot series.
- January 14, 2010, Futura Techno,
A French technology news outlet highlights Zheng and Jacobs research on Self-Packaging: "Les puces Èlectroniques pourraient se fabriquer toutes seals" publication.
January 13-31, 2010, Numerous news outlets (BBC, Ars Technica, Herald, Popular Science, DiscoverMag, TCE Today, TGdaily, Softpedia, Treeh, Golem, News-in-Tech, Printed Electronics World, Green Diary, Engadget, Your Renewable News, Power & Energy, The Green Optimistic, Solar, Ethiopian Review, Energetika, Newstrack India, Physorg, Elektroniktidningen, Rozhlas, Inovacao Tecnologica, Telepolis and many more) report on a recent PNAS article describing a fluidic self-assembly process forming a flexible solar cells.
- January 13, 2010, Golem,
A german technology news outlet highlights UMN research in "Solarzelle aus dem Öl-Wasser-Bad" article.
- January 13, 2010, PNAS,
The Proceedings of the National Academy of Science flags and highlights R. Knuesel and H.O. Jacobs research article on self-assembling electronics and photovoltaics to be of interest to the broader community and media.
- January 12, 2010, BBC News,
Interviews Jacobs and releases a news segment "Solar cells made through oil-and-water 'self-assembly'" that day.
- January 12, 2010, Popular Science,
Salad Science: Devices Self-Assemble Using Oil-Water Repulsion.
- January 12, 2010, Ars Technica,
Interviews Jacobs and releases the news segment "Self-assembling solar arrays as easy as mixing oil and water" that day.
- January 12, 2010, DISCOVER Magazine Blog,
Self-Assembling Solar Panels Use the Vinaigrette Principle.
- September 18, 2009, Applied Physics Letters Cover,
Continuous Nanoparticle Generation and Assembly by Atmospheric Pressure Arc Discharge.
- June 16, 2008, Photonics Spectra,
Controlled Growth of ZnO Microcrystals Achieved.
- June 11, 2008, Nature Photonics,
Under Control.
- May 16, 2008, Materials Views,
ZnO Micro/Nanocrystal Growth.
- April 21, 2008, Advanced Materials Inside Cover,
Controlled Growth of ZnO Micro/Nanocrystals.
- January 27, 2006,
Graduate Student Chad Barry wins Nanoparticle Industry Innovation Award.
- November 22, 2006,
Graduate Student Chad Barry Receives MRS Student Research Gold Award - Directed Assembly of Nanomaterials.
- May 1, 2005, Advanced Functional Materials Cover,
Fabrication of Multicomponent Microsystems.
- September 25, 2004, Science News,
Bartending lessons for microassembly.
- September 6, 2004, The Dallas Morning news,
Self-Assembly Principle Offers Eseful Devices.
- October 28, 2003, Nanotechweb.org,
Nanoxerography sets the pattern.
- October 21, 2003, NanoBusiness Alliance,
In The Spotlight.
- October 13, 2003, MIT Technology Review,
Process Prints Nanoparticles.
- September 26, 2003, Nanoforum - European Nanotechnology Gateway,
Small Copiers, Editors' Choice.
- September 26, 2003, Science Magazine,
Small Copiers.
- February 2, 2003, National Science Foundation,
- November 27, 2002, Nature Publishing Group,
Nanoscale Photocopies.
- November 25, 2002, Materials News from MRS,
Nanoxerography: Creating nanoscale photocopies.
- November 4, 2002, Adanced Materials Cover,
Approaching Nanoxerography.
- August 1, 2002, Discover Magazine,
Computer Screens Get Ready to Roll.
- July 1, 2002, Photonics Spectra,
Shake-and-Bend Techniques Builds Displays.
- April 20, 2002, NewScientist,
Bend me, shake me.
- April 17/24, 2002, Technology Research News,
Add ingredients, shake and serve.
- April 15, 2002, Chemical & Engineering News,
- March 21, 2001, Technology Research News,
Rubber stamp leaves electronic mark.
- July/August, 2001, MIT Technology Review,
Gold Standard.
View by: All, Journal, Proceedings, Topic, Patents & Posters/Presentations- H. O. Jacobs and G. M. Whitesides,
"Electric Microcontact Printing Method and Apparatus,"
U.S. Patent:
- H. O. Jacobs,
"Method of Self-Assembly on a Surface,"
U.S. Patent:
- H. O. Jacobs and W. Zheng,
"Fluidic Heterogeneous Microsystems Assembly and Packaging,"
U.S. Patent:
- H. O. Jacobs,
"Method and Apparatus for Depositing Charge and/or Nanoparticles,"
U.S. Patent:
- H. O. Jacobs and C. Barry,
"Method and Apparatus for Depositing Charge and/or Nanoparticles,"
U.S. Patent:
- H. O. Jacobs, A. Tao, A. Schwartz, D. H. Gracias, and G. M. Whitesides,
"Method of Self-Assembly and Self-Assembled Structures,"
Worldwide Patents Pending: