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2:30 to 4:00 PM
Darryl Thayer recieved his BS in Physics from the University of Minnesota. His publications include articles in the American Journal of Physics and ASE on passive solar energy, wind energy, and solar water heating. His notable solar projects include: HTTTF (High Temperature Thermal Test Facility, Sandia Labs), STEP (Solar Total Energy Program, forerunner to SEGS - Solar Electric Generating Station, Mohave Desert) and Central Receiver, a 100 MW solar thermal power plant located in Barstow, California. He developed and taught the first solar installer course in Minnesota in 1978. He also developed and taught the first RCS (residential conservation program) in Minnesota which preceded the national program by two years. He is presently teaching the first and only nationally approved PV installers course. He is also developing a small wind training course. He serves as a consultant to a variety of renewable energy projects and still installs solar electric and thermal systems.