Multiscale Difference Equation Signal Modeling Papers
Murtaza Ali and Ahmed H. Tewfik,
"Multiscale Difference Equation Signal Models: Part I Theory," to
in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing , Oct. 1995.
Murtaza Ali and Ahmed H. Tewfik,
"Coding and Decoding Techniques for Multiscale Difference equation Signal Models," to be presented at the IEEE workshop on nonlinear signal and image processing, Neos Marmaras, Greece, June 1995.
Murtaza Ali and Ahmed H. Tewfik,
"Multiscale Difference Equation Signal Modeling and Analysis Techniques," Proceedings of ICASSP-94, Adelaide, Australia, Vol. 3, pp. 537-540, June 1994.
Murtaza Ali and Ahmed H. Tewfik,
"Multiscale Difference Equation Signal Models: Part II Coding and Decoding
Techniques," submitted to
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing , December, 1995.
last update: April 27, 1995