1. K.-S. Yun, S.-I. Lee, G.-M. Lee, and E. Yoon, "Design and Fabrication of Micro/Nano-Fluidic Chip Performing Single-Cell Positioning and Nanoliter Drug Injection for Single-Cell Analysis," Proceedings of the Micro Total Analysis System ( m TAS) 2002 Symposium, Nara, Japan, pp. 652-654, Nov., 2002.
  2. J.-H. Kim, B.-G. Kim, M. La, J.-B. Yoon, and E. Yoon, "A Disposable Passive Microfluidic System Integrated with Micromixer and DNA Purification Chip for DNA Sample Preparation," Proceedings of the Micro Total Analysis System ( m TAS) 2002 Symposium, Nara, Japan, pp.224-226, Nov., 2002.
  3. E.-C. Park , J.-B. Yoon, S. Hong, and E. Yoon, "A 2.6GHz Low Phase-Noise VCO Monolithically Integrated with High Q MEMS Inductors," European Solid-State Circuits Conference, Florence , Italy , Sept., 2002, pp. 143-146.
  4. K.-N. Han, S.-W. Han and E. Yoon, " Fast Floating-Point Normalisation Unit Realised Using NOR Planes," Electronics Letters, Vol. 38, No. 16, August 2002.
  5. K.-N. Han, S.-W. Han and E. Yoon, " A New Floating-Point Normalization Scheme by Bit Parallel Operation of Leading One Position Value," Proceedings of the 3 rd IEEE AP-ASIC 2002.
  6. J-B Yoon, Y-S Choi, B-I Kim, Y. Eo, and E. Yoon, " CMOS-Compatible, Surface Micromachined, Suspended Spiral Inductors for Multi-GHz Silicon RF IC's," IEEE Electron Device Letters , vol. 23, pp. 591-593, Oct. 2002.
  7. K.-S. Yun, I.-J. Cho, J.-U. Bu, C.-J. (CJ) Kim and E. Yoon, " A Surface-Tension Driven Micropump for Low Voltage and Low Power Operations," IEEE Journal of MEMS, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 454-461, Oct, 2002.
  8. E.-C. Park , Y.-S. Choi, J.-B. Yoon, and E. Yoon, "Monolithically Integrable RF MEMS Passives," Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 49-55, March 2002.
  9. J.-H. Kim, B.-G. Kim, J.-B. Yoon, E. Yoon, Chul-Hi Han, "A New Monolithic Microbiosensor for Whole Blood Analysis," Sensors and Actuators - A - Physical Sensor, Vol. 95, pp. 108-113, 2002.
  10. Dae-Hoon Lee, Dae-Eun Park, Joon-Bo Yoon, Sejin Kwon, and Euisik Yoon, "Fabrication and Test of a MEMS Combustor and Reciprocating Device", Journal of Microengineering and Micromachanic, Vol. 12, p.26-34, 2002.
  11. K. Lee and E. Yoon, "A 500dpi Capactive Fingerprint Sensor with Pixel-level Adaptive Image Enhancement", IEEE ISSCC Digest of Technical Papers, San Francisco, USA, pp. 352-353, Feb., 2002.
  12. J-W Jeon, B-I Kim, J.-H Kim, H-K Lee, J-B Yoon, E. Yoon, and K.S. Lim, "Electrostatic Digital Micromirror Using Interdigitated Cantilevers", IEEE MEMS 2002 Conference, Las Vegas, USA, pp. 528-531, Jan., 2002.
  13. J-B Yoon, B-I Kim, Y-S Choi, and E. Yoon, "3-D Lithography and Metal Surface Micromachining for RF and Microwave MEMS", IEEE MEMS 2002 Conference, Las Vegas, USA, pp. 673-676, Jan., 2002.
  14. D.-E. Park , D.-H. Lee, J.-B. Yoon, S. Kwon, and E. Yoon, "Design and Fabrication of Micromachined Internal Combustion Engine as a Power Source for Microsystems", IEEE MEMS 2002 Conference, Las Vegas, USA, pp. 272-275, Jan., 2002.
  15. J.-H. Kim, B.-G. Kim, H. Nam, D.-E. Park, K.-S. Yun, J.-B. Yoon, J. You and E. Yoon, "A Disposable DNA Sample Preparation Microfluidic Chip for Nucleic Acid Probe Assay", IEEE International MEMS Conference 2002, Las Vegas, USA, pp. 133-136, Jan., 2002.
  16. I.-J. Cho, K.-S. Yun, H.-K. Lee, J.-B. Yoon and E. Yoon, "A Low Voltage Two- Axis Electromagnetically Actuated Micromirror with Bulk Silicon Mirror Plates and Torsion Bars", IEEE MEMS 2002 Conference, Las Vegas, USA, pp. 540-543, Jan., 2002.
  17. Y.-S. Choi, J.-B. Yoon, B.-I. Kim, and E. Yoon, "A High-Performance MEMS Transformer for Silicon RF ICs", IEEE International MEMS 2002 Conference, Las Vegas, USA, pp. 653-656, Jan., 2002.